Background Story
Do you have any concerns of not knowing how to keep in touch with your best friends, the ones who live long-distance from you but share the same value, appreciate harmonious aesthetic and love the life just like you, the ones you know that you can pick up the phone and have a best long conversation immediately with?
As me and my best friends live in different countries, we all enjoy tour lives and collect loads of amazing experiences all around the world, but we have little chance to share our precious stories minute by minute, as we don’t want to be the slave of our phone or the burden of each other.
So I started to send my friends a Boomerang video of flipping the calendars we use, which were marked with festivals and our special days this year. We believed that even we lived in different time zone, this was a symbol of sharing the same scale of time and space. We just want to tell each other “I’m still here with you, I’m all good, hope you’re living a great life as well.”
Then I started to design handcraft Aiōn Calendars for me and my friends for private use. Aiōn means pretty long time in ancient Greek. I love this concept because, just like human’s finite life, it’s definitely not a fleeting moment, but it does need our embrace and cherishing.
After friends’ loving and sharing, I believe Aiōn Calendar is a great project which could give more people global shared touching and caring. So, yeah, now I’m glad to introduce Aiōn to you, my unknown friends. I always want to get your message about your ideas and experiences with Aiōn! Nice to meet you and hope you could enjoy the time in Aiōn Calendar.